View Full Version : image rendering issue in ie7 and div issues in ie6

08 Apr 2008, 12:31 PM
I am having issues with ie7. The images on the home page of the site I just designed aren't rendering properly in ie7. This seems to be only on the home page. The images will partly load or not at all. My XHTML and CSS validate. I am not sure where I went wrong. This is my first site, so any guidance would be great. TIA.

Also, in ie7 and ie6 the "rates" page of the site renders strange. The main "container" div gets pushed out to the left. I can't figure that out either.

The site renders great in Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Camino, as far as I have tried. Just ie giving me trouble.

11 Apr 2008, 03:57 PM
It renders fine for me in IE. www.browsershots.org is a great resource for testing your pages on numerous platforms if you need to check again.