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View Full Version : Ftp Upload Web Page with SSL

10 Apr 2008, 03:28 PM
First how do you go about creating a FTP web page that people can upload files from. I am familiar with basic html web design using dreamweaver.
Second, the page would need to have SSL to ensure security of the documents being uploaded. How do you incorporate that.

The purpose is to allow customers to upload documents to me from where they are using my web site.
Maybe someone can help me on tackling this.

Incidentally, I would also like to be able to remotely access those files from any location through a web browser. I'd imagine that once the first and second part are done this part would be relatively easy.

I'm sure this is a tall order. Sure could at least use some information on where to start. Thanks.

10 Apr 2008, 04:19 PM
I do this, and I don't really bother with using an SSL connection because my documents are not exactly that private. I do use a password protected directory though.

Here is one method in a general form.

www.hotscripts.com has tons of scripts, one of them should be free and good for your purposes. I would suggest looking in the PHP directory, if you need help finding a specific one, or installing a php file just ask.

Then I believe that you should make a directory for this uploading script which is password protected. The upload script you should look for will have something, if you can't find one there are some simple password scripts too.

Then to force it to do SSL your pages should have this PHP script at the top of them all.

if($_SERVER["HTTPS"] != "on") {
$newurl = "https://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
header("Location: $newurl");


Its not that tall of an order actually, it just takes a little direction.