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View Full Version : Using many databases vs many tables

21 Apr 2008, 10:40 PM
Question: I am building a site that is mainly a news portal site about several categories of a specific subject... There will be other elements too but it will be mainly a news portal site. What makes more sense - to create separate databases for each category and then build news and othertables under each db, or can I just use one db and build many tables under it, news tables for each category, and other tables for each category. In the long run, what makes more sense? As far as backing up, updating data, add more tables in time, writing php to pull data, other aspects i can not thinnk of...Any advice? This is the first time I am creating dtabases so I am having hard time to see the long term...I mean, medium size or big newsportal websites for example, how would they do, with a lot of different databases and few tables under, or with few databases with many tables under? Thanks