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View Full Version : Can I get a Review of my site?

23 Apr 2008, 01:25 AM
Can I get a review of my blog? It's located at http://templatereviews.blogspot.com/

23 Apr 2008, 01:50 AM
You want us to review the content? I'm used to only reviewing design and such, but since this is a default template and whatnot, I'll say a few things in general.

What is your goal with this? Will designers be trying to find this or people who just want to get a nice site quickly? I think that (as a designer and maybe this only applies to designers or just me?) it is more desirable to have a blog at your domain than at blogspot. I can't think of a blog I've subscribed to (as a designer, looking for quality blogs) that wasn't powered by the personal or professional site of the developer. Why? Because if you want people to really pay attention to you, you've got to put the pieces in place that will show others you know what you are talking about, because you can prove your knowledge with your template or design.

If your goal is to reach people who aren't developers, then I wouldn't think that applies so much. Yet still, there has to be something that can be done to try and differentiate your blog. If you want to look like a serious blogger, owning your own site is definately a boost to that. Otherwise you are just bumming off a free service, which an 8th grader also has access to.

The review is decent. I would like to see it broken up a little more. Perhaps set a number of areas by which you rate the templates (SEO, Design, Usability, etc etc) and use the similar template for all of your reviews. Then you could make little subheadings and break up the paragraphs some. I think you could come up with a visual representation of your measuring system, and find a way to filter your results by the ratings? Perhaps also by type? Finding a solid method of organizing and displaying your posts will increase the usability and usefulness of your blog. I know nothing about blogspot really, so I can't give specifics.

One thing that bugged me was putting the link to the template using the word here. Here is on your site, so technically you should say there. But in all reality it just makes it hard to find the link. Pull it out and maybe have it part of the post intro with a quick list of links.
Image: url here
Example: url here

The biggest overall thing is just finding great ways to organize and present information. Anyone can type a review, but can you organize it in a unique and meaningful manner?

Good luck!