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View Full Version : easiest web app implemenation with login abilities

25 Apr 2008, 08:30 AM
I've been asked by a University to implement a web application form that can be exported as a csv, delimited or text file. Ideally, they want to have the student create an account so they can partially create the app and come back later to finish it. They also want to make available to them any of 4 different type of apps to submit, which in essence means their account would have to save data for each of those different types of apps.

The form would be easy to build in html but having them login, partially complete and then return has me stumped. Is there an easy implementation of this and if so, what's the preferred method.

I know their web server is running ASP which I don't know how to code but if there's a simple way to get started, I could work from that. I'm not sure at this point if they're running PHP or not.

Thanks for any help or advice.