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View Full Version : Need urgent help with setting up web pages to search catalog database

26 Apr 2008, 05:44 PM
We have put together a site for a library and have imported their database into a mysql db, have created the web pages in dreamweaver and now need to create a search pages for users to browse the library's catalog.

Stuck on exactly the best way to do this and would gladly hire someone who would be able to quickly generate a search page. Would need someone who is available to do so asap, and more than happy to pay for quick service in addition to the work. Please help! Thank you..

09 May 2008, 04:35 PM
We have put together a site for a library and have imported their database into a mysql db, have created the web pages in dreamweaver and now need to create a search pages for users to browse the library's catalog.

Stuck on exactly the best way to do this and would gladly hire someone who would be able to quickly generate a search page. Would need someone who is available to do so asap, and more than happy to pay for quick service in addition to the work. Please help! Thank you..

I am proficient in php and I would be able to work on this today right after I hear from you.

Please email : cammarata123 * at * gmail.com with details. We can talk on the phone or via email.
