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View Full Version : Question Regarding Visual Domain Name

29 Apr 2008, 02:25 PM
Hi all,

I'm in the process of creating a website, and had a question regarding what the users will see as the URL when browsing my site.

Often times, I see websites that, display the site such as "www.thissite.com/home.htm" or "www.thissite.com/page1.htm. I also see sites that display the main URL (e.g. www.thisdomain.com) no matter what page you are on.

How do webmasters do this to their sites? For simplicity's sake, I think it would be pretty cool.


01 May 2008, 11:35 AM
that old trick....

Make a frameset called index.html, create a 0% top frame containing about:blank and 100% bottom containing your pages. Alternatively load up everything in an iframe.

In practice 'stealth urls' do no favours to useability and SEO. Why not go for a modern search engine friendly structure, e,g www.thisdomain.com/about-us/ ?