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13 May 2008, 10:42 AM
Can anyone point me to some good tutorials or reading material for the following:

I am helping a friend create a website that will "pull" items from another website to be placed on his website. His initial thougth was that they would copy their database information and export it so we can import it into our database. Now they are saying that "when the feed will be sent over"... which leads me to think they are talking Database feeds.

I've found articles on google that talk about RSS database feeds but I think I am missing a key element and looking in the wrong area.

As an example: Say I have a website ABC123.com and I have a contract with BestBuy.com to sell their products on my site. Since there are thousands of items I want to just use their pictures, sku's, etc and just tack on a small markup to the price. BestBuy.com said they would send over a feed for the database...

What am I really going to be looking at and what areas should I study on how to make it work together?

Thank you all for your feedback.