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View Full Version : Second background not shown in IE6

28 May 2008, 03:12 AM
I have two problems with this design. First, it looks *perfect* in all versions of Firefox, Opera, Safari, and the newer I.E., but with the older IE 7 the right dotted background doesn't show. I have no clue why it's doing this.

And another problem I'm having is getting the dotted background on the left to touch the full bottom of the page when there is very little content. As you can see from the example, there's not much text, therefore the right dotted background doesn't reach the bottom of the page. If there's more text and content, there's no problem. I'm just curious as to how to fix this.

After seeing the page and the CSS code, does anyone know of a better way to have two difference background images? Is there a more efficient way that I may have overlooked?

I have uploaded the sample to a temporary file server. Here is the link: http://4filehosting.com/file/120181/site-zip.html

If anyone feels uncomfortable with downloading it and would rather see plain HTML and CSS, I can use pastebin for that.

On a final note, the site is W3C valid. So everything checks out.