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View Full Version : Mailing list scripts

jack b
28 May 2008, 12:22 PM
Hi All

According to my webhosting company:

With mailings lists larger than 100 users, it is not suggested to use the above mailing lists [those they provide]. There is another free program, called DadaMail which is very robust, and can also throttle the email so the entire list is not sent at once. In the shared hosting environment, this is very much appreciated by the host as it lowers the server load for all.

My list will probably go over 100 fairly fast, but DadaMail seems a little over the top for what I want. All I want is a simple announce list, where I can send occasional emails out to users, probably just text or the occasional attachment. But with the throttling feature so I don't use all my CPU allocation in one go.

Also, as this is a cheapish hosting plan, I probably can't run binaries, so a PHP based solution would be best. I have the usual LAMP setup.

Any suggestions for a good bit of software to do this?
