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View Full Version : another noob question about text over a image

06 Jun 2008, 03:14 AM

I made a website, almost entirely in photoshop:


I dont think my site is being indexed by google because none of my sites actually contain any text.

How would I go about making the writing in the white box, actual text?

Would I have to insert a white box and then write over it?

If so how do I do this?


06 Jun 2008, 06:47 AM
Yes, pretty much.
If you want to use that box as an image, you can set it as a background image and type over the top.
This will mean that you cant use that font though as people that visit the site will see the text in fonts that are installed on their own computers. Your font will not be widely supported so i dont reccommend trying to use it.

basically you will need a div with a header and paragraph inside. You can then style it all with your css.

<div id="textbox">
<p>rest of text...<p>


#textbox {
margin:10px auto;
background:url(path/to/image.jpg) no-repeat;
width:set to width of image eg 250px;
height:set to height of image eg 350px;