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View Full Version : Text Positioning

11 Jun 2008, 09:04 PM
Hi. I laid out a page in GoLive. Unfortunately, that program used pixel co-ordinates to position text on the page. It looks OK in Internet Explorer, but Firefox and Opera mess up the formatting. I'm not sure how to move the "your computer" line away from the "I can help" one without doing a massive rewrite of the code: http://home.comcast.net/~richmaxw/ad/ad2.htm. Thanks for any help.

12 Jun 2008, 01:58 AM
Use a p tag inside the td cell with a margin-top for the lower p tag to create space:-
<td valign="top"><font color=""><p>NEED
HELP WITH</p></font><!--<br /><br /> br tags not needed-->
<p style="margin-top: 200px">YOUR

and remember to close the table tag like I have.

A tutorial may help you, there are links to some here:-

You need to add a doctype above the <html> tag and some meta tags in the head section, especially a charset for character type.

Check for errors with a validator (link in my link above).