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View Full Version : Display Problem in IE

22 Jun 2008, 02:48 PM
First off, thank you for reading.

OK, I've got a bit of a problem. I generally design all of my websites in Photoshop, and do most of my graphic design there as well, so I was told that exporting slices was the easiest way to work with web design from photoshop. Well I'm always up for learning a new method, and when my dance troupe needed a site, it seemed like a good opportunity to learn this new technique. I have a purchased template which was already sliced, but I altered the slices and the basic design to better suit our site. I can see how sliced pages would be very easy to work with, if I could just get them to display properly. The page displays perfectly in Firefox (if you ignore the fact that I have placeholders instead of actual content), however, it displays with funky gaps in IE. As I always use firefox, I hadn't considered the problem until I asked a friend to check. I've gone over the code so many times that I feel I could recite it by heart, but I just can't figure out why the page would be so funky in IE.

I've uploaded the page to our server, and it should be visible to anyone. The main page is just a place holder until I can solve the problem, so the page I'm concerned with is located here:


The images for this page are located in the folder:


Thank you so very very much for any help you can offer.

