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View Full Version : Table for post

14 Jul 2008, 02:09 PM
I will create a table for the poll script I am going to do. Obviously my polls will have different number of choices, some will have 2, some will have as many as may be 15 or so... How can I create a table for that? Shoudl I just create a table for a lot of choices to cover everything - say 20 would cover me forever for the worst case...But if I create a table with 20 columns, then would it occupy a lot of memory, or as long as those cells are empty, it really doesnt matter as far as memory and speed efficiency? Any other suggestions about how to plan this? Thanks

15 Jul 2008, 11:55 AM
It depends on how the system will be constructed. If you are running one poll at a time, or several polls.