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View Full Version : Printing page name and directory automatically

20 Jul 2008, 09:58 PM
I am trying to automatically show the name of the page and its directory. For example,

If there is a home page it would show


For a page directly linked from the home page it would show:


For a page linked from Subpage 1,


I would like this to print automatically depending on the name of the page. Is there a way to automatically do this? Does it matter if the subpages are in separate folders-if so how does it change (Lets say subpage 1 and all pages under it are in a folder called subpage1)? And is the file name or page title used in the code?

24 Jul 2008, 02:23 AM
there are php commands to get the directory you are curently in and to get the file name (it might be the same command i cant remember) but it will give you


so you will need to do some string minipulation to split it by / symbol then for each folder say its called gallery you could tkae the 3rd element in the array and get gallery then add the > symbol then the page name. Its a lot of work and would be eaiser to hard code it but i supose it depends how many pages it has