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View Full Version : attachment sizes allowed for forums

10 Sep 2008, 06:41 PM
As I am new at this forum thing, can somebody give me an approximate number that I should put for the total space allocated and also for each user and message in a forum website? I just need a rough number for all three...For a midsize forum...Or something like this forums's size...Just rough number...Also, when the size gets too much is there a disadvantage as far as speed, backup etc? Is that why we should limit the attachment sizes? Or this is not really needed in the first place?

David Bowley
11 Sep 2008, 09:11 AM
If it's for private messages then you should limit the number based on the size of the forum - so for a mid sized forum I'd say no more than 25 messages allowed in the inbox at one time. Of course that's a rough figure, it depends on your server resources.

As far as attachments, it's up to you - but with the whole Web 2.0 thing it's becoming increasingly easy to host all sorts of media content elsewhere and then embed it into sites as and when they're needed. So perhaps you could leave attachements off.