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View Full Version : Layout and Topic Changes

David Bowley
25 Sep 2008, 02:07 PM
I've made a few changes to the forum layout, as well as condensing some of the disused topics and generally tried to make the place a little more user friendly. Any suggestions on this are more than welcome.

A couple of points to make note of - we no longer have the "Webhosting offers", "webhosting requests" and "webdesign requests" forums. Quite a while back due to constant advertising by new members we created a system so that only people who were part of a certain group such as the "Webhosts Group" could repond to certain requests on the forum. The downside to this was that there were no legitimate web hosts on the forum that could respond to these offers and so we may bring this back out at a later date if we believe it could benefit everyone here.

We've also removed the link exchange forum. This is because non of the members of the site were using it - people were just registering an account to soley use that forum and it became a bit of a free for all bulletin in itself. If there is a demand from the regular users to have that forum then we can always bring it back.