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View Full Version : Getting side image to appear correctly- HTML

26 Sep 2008, 07:02 AM
This is my current page in progress: www.hybriddesign.net/Malibu

I am trying to get the images along the right and left side of the content area (the bordered portion) to repeat as it does on www.hybriddesign.net/Malibu/index2.html.

When I took out the side columns, I lost that repeating image. I tried to reinsert it in a <td> within the same row as the middle content but it didn't work. I'm not sure exactly what I need to do to get it to appear correctly. I didn't want to put that orginal <td> back in as that is what held the content in that right column and I'm wanting to get rid of this and have my page run all the way across.

Thank you for your help!

26 Sep 2008, 11:20 AM
If you have a good web page, try to use the same structure again. Both use lots of nested tables with divs inside so it will take a long time to correct the bad one.

Take a copy of the good one and delete the middle tables between <table> and </table> one at a time working from the middle where all the content is until you are just left with the bordered box, then add complete tables back in from the bad page.