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View Full Version : php radio button form for a poll

27 Sep 2008, 04:03 PM

I am tyring to create a simple poll using php and mysql, by displaying the poll choices with radio buttons.
In my table which store the poll titles and choices, I store them such as title, q1, q2, q3 etc...Up to the point of entering the poll info to the table I have no problem.

Then I want to display the poll title and choices as a radio button form, pulling from the database. so that it will display the title first, under that q1 (with the radio button), q2(with the radio button) and so on....Then at the bottom, there should be a submit button once the user checks one of the radio buttons. And the checked result should then be sent to my table containing the asnwers.

How can I display this radio button form which will do these?
