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View Full Version : Quality of the look of a website

music music
27 Sep 2008, 06:45 PM
Hi, I work in the music business and need a website. Before I call designers I wanted to ask a fundamental question on the look of a website to the eye. Maybe its called production value? I need an html site that doesn't look like a site from someone that sells kitchen cabinets. Understand where I'm coming from?
In other words I'm trying to avoid a cheap looking site and do it on a budget. Two sites I like are nonsociety.com and nigelmartin-smith.com.

The nonsociety site looks rich even though its simple. Thats what I want.

Is the look of a site tied directly to the quality of the photographs and Graphic design, or is there something in the programming that provides a richness?

An analogy would be a kid making a recording in his garage, compared to doing it in a big studio. It will sound different.

Can anyone give me a little education on what I'm trying to say?

I have access to great fashion photogs and graphics people. But I have a feeling How its put on the web is the difference.

Greatly appreciate any thoughts and input , Thanks