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View Full Version : Which is best for creatring expandable menu?

29 Sep 2008, 08:20 PM
I'm creating a website and would like to have a horizontal expandable (drop down) menu list. After doing a lot of search and reading, I found the the following methods:
1. CSS - pseudo-class (:hover)
2. Javascript - by using "onmouseover" or "onclick" detectors & Definition Lists (<dl>, <dt> and <dd>)
3. Flash - by creating a flash movie/button and inserting it

When I create the menu with flash or javascript and try to view it in the browser (usually IE), my browser Popup blocker blocks some parts of the website and says:
"Did you notice the Information Bar? The information bar alerts you when Internet Explorer blocks a pop-up window or file download that might not be safe...."
But the thing is, when I go to another website that does have flash or javascript, I don't get this message.

1. Is there anyway I can prevent the popup blocker blocking my webpage?
2. And which method is recommended for creating an expandable menu?

I would really appreciate if anyone could help me out on this.

Thank you.

30 Sep 2008, 01:23 AM
I think I've been told that Flash for menu buttons is difficult or impossible for disabled people; I can't remember why, perhaps the screen readers for blind people don't work or people without a mouse can't hover over them. I think it's best to use Flash just for visual effect and not for the operation of a page.

Javascript obviously only works if a viewer has it enabled, so you need an alternative like a site map with normal links for those people (some IT departments disable javascript for company computers).

I use CSS drop down menus from CSSplay, but I always make sure that the top level has a link somewhere in case the drop down menu doesn't show and then make sure that the page from the top level link has the other links on its page somewhere.