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17 Oct 2008, 06:11 AM
this is a website im making for my friend....I no I have made the website the wrong way (I havnt coded it) , But when I started to make the website I didnt no about css etc.

website - www.keekproductions.co.uk

He wants a gallery like this.........http://pranas.net/WebGalleryCreator/Sample%20Gallery/default.htm

where the image enlarges

I use dreamweaver btw

Thank you

17 Oct 2008, 07:33 AM
The gallery http://pranas.net/WebGalleryCreator/Sample%20Gallery/default.htm uses ActiveX/Javascript; it's basic structure is just a simple table with small images which centralise automatically inside each cell. They are links and open up a larger image; it's just a large jpg image file which shows on its own in a separate webpage if ActiveX/Javascript is disabled, but if it is enabled it shows the sliding effect on the main page over the top of the table with the thumb images.

Have a look at the gallery page code first. After the doctype and head section, the body is:-

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="6">
<td><a href=photos/largeimage.JPG rel='lightbox[gallery]'><img src="thumbs/smallimage.JPG" alt="description"></a><br>Text description</td>

three more td tags repeated across the width
more complete <tr>...</tr> tag rows

The pages with the larger images which need ActiveX or javascript are using two stylesheets and extra code provided by Lightbox
so you need to follow the instructions on that site, but if you don't incorporate the Lightbox code you can still have a basic gallery which opens each larger image on a separate page.