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View Full Version : Advice on protecting files

22 Oct 2008, 05:14 PM
hello all,

we are trying to provide access to pdf files for clients and will eventually have several hundred pdf files and several hundred clients and the security will need to be very specific so there will be instances in which one pdf is accessible by one person and that is it.

i am looking for some advice on what would be the best way to go about accomplishing this?

my original thought was to redirect a user to their own page based on login id's but and provide links from there but when i was informed that the number of users will get very large i realized a problem lies not only in having to recreate a ton of pages but having a very messy login page that has a ton of code redirecting people based on their individual login id's.

any help to give me some ideas to pursue would be greatly appreciated. and i can provide any additional info required to help me out.
