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View Full Version : logo and web design critiques!

12 Nov 2008, 04:44 PM
hello everybody

this is my first topic in this forum, and I am here in the willing of learning more about design, and to improve the design quality of my most popular website

I have done some changes in my design, and I have managed to reduce the bounce rate I had from 55% to 45%, and I am really happy about it, but still not happy enough to sit back and do nothing about it, I won't be happy until I have less than 20% of bounce rate, and I hope you can help me out with this

another thing, is that I have received critiques about my logo, saying it is not good and doesn't show anything about what the site is about

the site I am talking is zycu.com, and it is in spanish and it is an entretainment site, where users can upload their humor or curious photos and videos (and more kinds of photos) and share them with everybody

this is my old and actual logo:

and this is my new one:
(the slogan here says something like "share your pictures")

I am a hard worker, but really begginer on what talks about design, so if you can help me with advices and examples of what you are saying, would be perfect to me! :)

thanks everybody for your time

03 Dec 2008, 03:06 AM
upload your old logo