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View Full Version : Using iframes... framed page is loading?

17 Nov 2008, 12:57 PM
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to create a page that can display items from another site:

to give you an example, if I have a few items for sale on ebay, I'd like my page to have a preview of the auction pages. I was thinking of using the
iframe setup, and it kinda works...

When I initially load the page I see my page and the ebay pages in their
respective frames, but then a second later, the page automatically loads the ebay page of the first frame, and the browser doesn't give a "back" option to return to my page.

My code is below. (the comment tags are just cause I wasn't sure if this box would try to read the html, they aren't in my actual code)

So my question is two fold:
1) how do I get my page to contain the framed pages and not just redirect?
2) is there a better way to do this? Different kind of frame or table?


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<p>Here is a list of ebay items for sale </p></br>
<p> <iframe src="http://cgi.ebay.com/IPHONE-APPLE-16GB-2G-EDGE-2-1-OS-AT-T_W0QQitemZ270289437253QQcategoryZ3312QQcmdZViewItem" height="200" width="200"
border="none" ></p>

P.S. that's not my item for sale, I just used the first item that I saw.