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View Full Version : Newbie – need directions

22 Nov 2008, 10:24 AM
I’m a novice to web design. I know it can help me bring interest and possible sales to my photography business. I need to design something that I can display my photos, but it needs to be secure enough so there wouldn’t be any copyright infringement. I want to make the web site simple and later on build on it. I’m willing to do the work myself. I need help with picking a software I can use, a web host to use, and any foreseen problems I would come across.

David Bowley
22 Nov 2008, 03:25 PM
I've got your first problem here, copyright infringement. If you are worried about people stealing your photos there is only so much you can do.

You can watermark them so that they are unuseable by anyone else, but then that might take away from your viewers' viewing pleasure.