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View Full Version : probably something relatively easy..(for YOU)

25 Nov 2008, 07:20 PM
hi, so I am making a web site for an assignment. I really don't think I need help on any of the tasks and would like to do them without help for now, but I am enjoying the process and want to make my site look a little better.

I designed my site in Photoshop, noted location of each image, then saved each image individually and coded them into that position.

My issue: I would rather have their locations adjusted in reference to the center of the screen as opposed to left justification. (so that my site will look centered on different sized screens, etc.)

how do I approach this? is there a way that I can insert some sort of self adjusting bumper on either side of my site? or how would i tackle this?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

site looks "correct" using Firefox
url: http://tiger.towson.edu/~dheely1