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View Full Version : Need some quick help on a few things...

29 Nov 2008, 10:11 PM
I hope this is the right place to post this...
Well, recently, I got a new site up, http://chaoscoalition.net, and I'm having a few troubles with it.

One thing would be that every link opens up a new page/tab for everyone, when I'd like the link to open in the same window/tab. how would I go about doing this in Dreamweaver CS3? The navigation was made in Flash, as well as the splash page.

Another issue I'm having is with the site is the xml-driven news module on the homepage. It's just stuck on load, and was like this even when testing. It works fine when I play the flash movie locally, however, and the XML file is all fine it seems, as the images and text run on the player flawlessly. Any help would be appreciated. Attached are the files for this news module.

http://chaoscoalition.net/news slider.zip