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View Full Version : Making a Site Liquid Vertically

19 Dec 2008, 11:39 PM
I'm making a site for a friend, and it has two different gradients. I made a mockup (http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m246/El_Ornitorrinco/Random%20Shtuff/trippin2.jpg) for him, and that is exactly how he wants it. Yes, he asked for the name of the site to be Trippin' On McGillicuddies. Yes, he also asked for the two gradients, (one taking up the top 75% of the screen, and the other the bottom 25%) the red buttons, and the "Beta" logo in the bottom right hand corner that you can only barely see.

But I haven't the foggiest how to make a div take up a certain percentage of the screen vertically. How can I make one div take up the top 75% of the screen and the other the bottom 25%?

Oh, I am using XHTML and CSS. All help is appreciated.

Many thanks,