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View Full Version : Scalability

05 Jan 2009, 05:22 PM
Hi there, new to the forum, hoping to become more involved as I become more experienced with web design.

Currently, I am working on a school project, and one thing has been bugging me for a very long time. Throughout several websites, I see the use of a background image (say a photo, or just a subtle design).

Whenever I try this on my website with a resolution of 1024 x 768 (or 800 x 600), the image turns out to be a centered block (and I assume this is because my personal resolution is 1280 x 1024).

I am unsure as to how to scale my website to browser size.

Any help provided on this issue is much appreciated.

06 Jan 2009, 07:30 AM
Background-images cannot normally be scaled. If you have a background-image in the body style you can center it but then a bit is cut off both sides in viewports that are less wide than the background-image or a space shows both sides in larger resolutions. Same thing happens if used as a background-image in a div.

You can make an image scale to the viewport resolution by making it position: fixed and tied to the left and right sides so that it gets smaller or larger according to the resolution. See
and drag the window wider and narrower.

As far as the content of your website is concerned, if you want that to scale to the resolution; use % for all widths for divs, tables, images, margins and padding, totalling 100% (or a bit less if you have side borders as borders cannot be sized in %). This requires practice as content will get squashed up in small resolutions like mobile phones or seem too spaced out in large resolutions. You can use min-width and max-width for modern browsers but as these do not work in IE6 you should use fixed widths for IE6 in a conditional comment only operated by IE6 and min and max-widths for modern browsers.