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View Full Version : Website Designer - New design for my busines website

29 Jan 2009, 03:55 AM
Hi all

I have recently redesigned my website for my services as a Website Designer (http://www.barryswebdesign.co.uk) in the UK. I would be greatful if yall could give me feedback on what you think of the design, what you think of my facilities and what you think of the colours I have used to design my website.

To design my website, I have used CSS XHTML and AJAX for the dynamics. I have also SEO'd the siute for the terms Website Designer and for the term Website Designers which I am currently lited on page 2 of Google for. I was on page one for ages but the rankings have slipped so any advice on how to get my self back in the top 10 would be great also.

I am very familiar with SEO but I think that my lack of research in the past 6 months may have been my undoing.

Please click the link below in my sig to visit my website.


30 Jan 2009, 01:19 PM
I like the design. I do have a couple of things though.

Dont see the point of having those bottom borders above the "CMS - Content Management System Live Demo" either make them one border but for me they have a break in them. So they are two separate lines.

Also for the contact form when you are on another page (besides home) and you dont input any information and you click send it brings you to the home page.

And not too sure about the Domain Checker, I think you could add more styling in there and possibly a button of some sort? Thats just me!