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View Full Version : just getting started

04 Feb 2009, 08:10 PM
Hello! I am new to the forum today. I am also just starting to get interested and learn about web design. I'm wondering if any of you have any advice on the best way to get educated about it. I've started doing online tutorials, and although I'm learning quite a bit that way, it's frustrating when I can't ask questions or have things explained in a different way if I get stuck on something. I'm beginning to wonder if it would be easier to take some courses at a local college from a live instructor who can explain things better.
How did everyone else learn about web design? Were you self taught? Did you go to school? Some other way?

Just wanting to figure out the best route to take and hoping for some helpful input...

Thanks for reading!

David Bowley
05 Feb 2009, 07:48 PM
You can learn pretty much everything online, and if you get stuck with a particular thing, as long as you post the specifics that you are dealing with then someone on the forums should be able to help.