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09 Feb 2009, 11:42 PM
There are several different ways to specify color values in CSS, the best known are with color names and color numerical values. But there are two other ways you can define colors in CSS 3 and once you understand how you can define your colors you'll have more options available in your color palette. Learning to put together colors in a harmonious fashion is one of the most important skills of a Web designer. Once you understand color theory, you'll be better equipped to create color schemes that really work.

Color symbolizes many things to different cultures, but it is easy to forget this when designing a Web site. If you use color on your site, then you should be aware of the different meanings different cultures attach to color.

These tips for using color include color shorthand, finding color triads quickly, and whether or not you should use the browser safe color palette. Web pages are designed in color, but if you don't understand how color works, you could end up with some really ugly pages. Understanding the basics of color theory will help you create better Web pages.

Many Web designers have been building pages for years, either by hand or with an editor, and the idea of converting their site(s) to XHTML+CSS is daunting at best. This article looks at the issue of conversion and shows the pros and cons for converting, so you can make your own decision.

Color schemes are important in Website Design (http://www.intellixmedia.com/web-design.htm) , but it's easy to get carried away, especially if you like a large number of different colors. Use these standard color schemes to create a standard color scheme for your Web site.

Designing effective Web navigation is crucial to create a Web site that your readers can get around on. If you don't have decent navigation, even if they like the site, they'll leave without finding all you have to offer. Learn how to design effective Web navigation.