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View Full Version : Two scrollboxes with linked scrolling

15 Feb 2009, 09:55 AM
I am making a page that will have two text scrollboxes side-by-side:

- one with the text of a book
- one with notes explaining difficult parts of that text (for example, definitions for foreign words as they appear in the text)

I'd like to make the notes automatically scroll so that as the user is reading the book's text, the notes that are pertinent to the visible part of the book are showing.
I know I can use anchors to make the notes scroll to the right place if the reader clicks on a linked word in the text, BUT I don't want the reader to be distracted with links/clicking -- I just want the correct notes to match up with the section of the text they apply to, and to keep scrolling as the reader scrolls through the text. So, no clicking on links, please!
Does this require scripting?
I'd be happy to explain in more detail if that is needed.
Thanks a lot!