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View Full Version : Complete Newbie With A Couple Questions

18 Feb 2009, 09:16 AM
Hey guys I have Fireworks & Dreamweaver 8. I am trying to do a website on the cheap for now until I can get some business coming in and making some money. Anyway I designed this real quick in Fireworks www.purposebuilteng.com (http://www.purposebuilteng.com)

1st Question: Is there a way to set a master page in Fireworks 8 so that when I modify it it will modify all the pages I have built off it?

2nd Question: I sliced the buttons on the top, then made a slice around the top and side bar. What exactly is the reason for slicing the way I did?

3rd: I just then uploaded it through FTP, no tables or anything? Is there something else I should do.

Like I said I am completely new to this, and am just trying to get a decent website up for a couple of months while I decide how I want a new one to look and have someone make it for me.

Thanks Alot,

19 Feb 2009, 03:18 PM
You have tables there, believe it or not. Right click on your page and choose "view source". You'll see how Fireworks cut it up based on your slice options. When you make your slices, you need to make sure that you follow some rules:

1. Slice horizontally from left to right the whole way, don't stop in between.
2. Make sure you have a set width and follow it for each slice you make (important with rule 1)
3. Avoid long vertical slices

In your FTP, head to http://www.purposebuilteng.com/Index.htm and view it. You'll see how its made.

There are a lot of video tutorials that show how to properly slice a website. Do some searching I'm sure you'll find more information.