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View Full Version : Suggestions and Ideas on Displaying information on a website

26 Feb 2009, 06:27 PM

I need to organise a heap of learning resources onto our website. Currently it is a series of links to other pages containing more links.

I had the idea of having a drop down list that, when selected and submitted, would return the information from a database onto the screen, which would allow the “student” to read about the self paced resources and download any files that they needed.

I think this would have worked except for the fact that FrontPage 2003 won’t allow me to set up a connection to an access database created in 2007, and when I convert the 2007 database back to 2003 it loses the functionality of storing the files (.zip, pdf, pps).

I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions how this can be achieved? I have some vb.Net experience and can usually manage (with persistance) to get the code working within websites to achieve a goal.
