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View Full Version : Cuil SE???

28 Feb 2009, 11:13 AM
I'd read several articles about the (at that time - 'pending') Cuil search engine before it made it's internet debut a few months ago, and I became interested in it from the first reading. I eagerly anticipated it's online presence, and the day it came online I tried it out, liked it pretty well, and I still do. I'm sure many of you already know about Cuil, but I thought I'd post, just the same.

Cuil still has a quirk or two, but like many other things it takes a little time to get some of the kinks worked out and some of the bugs killed, as I'm sure you guys understand and appreciate.

It's still an interesting SE to me, though, and I use it frequently. Actually, that's how I found this site... 'indirectly' via Cuil. This particular site (WDF) was merely a casual mention on another site I'd chased a link for in a result of some search that I now fail to remember the subject/purpose of, and not returned as a search result, in and of itself. Perhaps, that will change. At any rate, I entered the WDF addy in my browser and 'poof'... 'here' I was. Ah, the wonders of modern technology, huh??? ;-)

Anyway, I was just curious about whether any of you guys have used it, or maybe still do, and what you think/thought of it. (Disclaimer: I, myself, have absolutely nothing at all, in any way-shape-or-form, to do with that search engine, or any other SE for that matter, other than having used it from time to time).

While their management team may not be comprised of someone of the likes of a Ken Thompson or a Dennis Ritchie or a C.J. Date, et.al., as in decades of experience in the singular, I don't think their management team members can be considered 'newbs', either.

Here's a link to some info if you care to check them out: http://www.cuil.com/info/

There is also a 'Webmaster Info' link at the bottom of that page for those that might be interested... and if you are, I hope it helps!
