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View Full Version : Best way to design. HTML and Flash.

16 Mar 2009, 07:33 AM

I want to design a website that has a navigation bar at the top with, say, four buttons on it. Beneath it is the content. Let's say button 2 is pressed, I would like the content for page 2 to scroll (animate) into place below the navigation bar.

I was thinking I could do the navigation bar in HTML (maybe use a list for the different headings, offset them and put in custom images in the background). When you press button 2, you link to the page2.html, which looks like page1.html, but only the content below is a new flash movie, which starts off looking the same but "scrolls" its content upwards, and stops at the content for page 2.

Basically, what I'm trying to say, is I want to design a small website where the transitions between pages gives the impression of animating. But I don't want the whole website to be one big flash movie and just one html file.

But if the user is on page 1 for example and presses the navigation button for page 4, my idea doesn't work. (because it would have to scroll upwards through pages 2 and 3, which would be a different transition than if I pressed button 4 and I was on page 2.
How do I get round this?

I'm very new, so please ask me to elaborate further if I'm not making sense!

Thank you.

21 Mar 2009, 04:02 PM
Well, Flash animations are not bad for websites but make sure the essential and important navigational links of your website are accessed through simple Html text links and do not create pure Flash made web pages unless you know what you are doing.