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View Full Version : Need help creating a new line in my form box

18 Mar 2009, 08:02 AM
The problem I am having is I can't add a new line to this code. It is hard for me to explain but I will do my best

onClick="(form.hints2.value='This is a standard output 1') ;

Thats the code, right not it would display in a box "this is a standard output 1"
I want to know how to make it do this
"This is a
standard output 1"

When I do this: onClick="(form.hints2.value='This is a
standard output 1') ;

I get an error when I view the page. For the life of me I cannot find a tag like &nbsp to make a new line. That one only makes a space, what I want would be the equivelent of hitting enter.
