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View Full Version : Can I track which names came from which Adwords campaign?

24 Apr 2009, 09:07 AM
Back ground to question:
Our company has one website in which we wish to attract people to sign up for our newsletter and create leads for us. However each individual wishes to run their own Adwords campaign and manage there own budget (possibly through our own individual accounts or just our own campaigns within one account).

The question:
Can I track which names that signed up for the newsletter came from which Adwords campaign? This is so that each individual will get the leads they paid for from their own campaign.
If so how? (in as much detail as possible please thanks)

I’m guessing I could have a unique link/starter page for each campaign and somehow try to track back of those that filled out their details back to the original entry page.

Then create a form field for the newsletter which automatically saves that persons IP address. Is this possible? if so how?

Secondly - get some free web statistics software that can track which IP's visited which unique starter pages. Do you know of any that can do this?

If any one can help then it’s much appreciated!