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View Full Version : Div overlay blocking underneath's content

01 May 2009, 10:35 AM
Hi, first post here but been reading around form some time.
You might want to consider I'm quite at ease with html/css/javascript/jquery etc while reading about my issue below:

I have an absolutely positioned div taking 100% of the page's width and height and having a z-index so it sits above some other content.

Problem is, in Firefox, that div intercepts any clicks or scrolling (with mousewheel or not) actions on elements that are underneath that div. I know this is a behavior that's often wanted (as in modal windows), but I do want to be able to click and use the UI under that overlay...

Any insights will be welcome,



04 May 2009, 09:42 AM
Alirght I've solved my problem with a work around; However if anybody have some insight I think it might still be good to know how to create the statement above

