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View Full Version : Multiple CSS 100% Height

05 May 2009, 09:44 AM
I have been playing with this issue for some time and multiple sites. When I have a site that uses a background image and a dropshadow on the entire page area I usually set it up like so:

<div id=all>
<div id=page>everything goes here</div>

My body/html css will be set:

height: 100%;

And will contain my main background color and image

My "all" div is set:


And will contain my dropshadow background

My "page" div is set:

height:auto !important;

And this is the main shell of my site in which everything else is in

I have an example of what I am working with now here:
And the css is here:

Where I get close until you scroll and the background of "all" stops at the scroll. If I add: height:auto !important; to my "all" div then that scrolls all the way and page stops at the scroll.