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View Full Version : Weird Distortion of pages

09 May 2009, 12:31 PM
Hello, this is my first post on the Web Dev Forums, and probably not my last.

I have run into a problem and I hope somebody would have an explanation. I designed a whole website in a sub directory of another domain I had, before purchasing the actual domain. In my dedicated host, I set up a different hosting account for the new domain, so it has a new IP and all. I setup catch-all subdomains so i can allow people to create their own subdomain redirection. When I designed it in the sub directory, it lookd perfect. Now when its on its new domain, the page loads and it looks perfect for a second, then right away it gets distorted. It seems that everywhere there is a link, a break is added at the end. This distorts the whole site. I can upload the files anywhere and it looks perfect, but once I upload to this hosting account (same server!) everything is like that. The code is the excact same (I can download off the perfect one and upload it to the other doman, and it is still messed up)

Is there any factors that could be causing this?