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View Full Version : Integration credit card return payments?

21 May 2009, 04:48 PM
My employee and I are creating a business website. He wants to automate new customer signups which I'll probably be ok with. I'm handling the design, CSS part of the site, though do not know very much about data basing. I'm hiring him for PHP because I know how to read most of the language but not write it very well.

I figure I will need a automatic signup sheet because I'll will be processing the credit card payments.

My first question is how does this generally work?

Now I can only find little information on integration credit card return payment verification before the customer can process a new crated account and how they work.

To make it easier, what would you need in the sign up page so the credit cards can be verified and transferred to my bank account before the customers user account is created on the site?

I already know about and soon planning on getting a merchants account.

I really need the help

23 May 2009, 06:51 PM
What kind of business are you planning on putting up? Have you investigated the costs associated with a merchant account of your own, especially chargebacks? Have you looked in to using a third party processor and the costs associated with them?

What you will need for customers to buy through your site is a shopping cart and a secure server (this is a MUST). The shopping cart should give you everything you need to sell on line. You will need to list the items you will be selling and a "buy now" or "add to cart" button. You will need all of their credit card information, assuming your primary method of payment will be credit cards (i.e. name on the card, card number, card type, expiration date of the card and in some cases, the verification code on the back of the card.

Hope this is of some help,