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View Full Version : Extracting data from forums

23 May 2009, 05:17 PM
Hi all - not sure if this is the right place to post this, please signpost me if not.

I am looking for a tool or a service to help me develop a knowledge base from the info held in various forums.

In many forums there is a tremendous amount of useful info in the various threads, but much of it seems get buried or lost when the forum gets really big. It is also very hard to sort out the wheat from the chaff.

I would like to be able to review posts on a certain topic, identify those that have some real value, then edit/aggregate/tag/save them into a knowledge base.

I am not a programer so really some help with this.

Any ideas?

Tks for looking.

02 Jun 2009, 09:23 AM
Why don't you just save the post url to your favorites in various folders that are named according to topic and then rename each page so you can find it easily?