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View Full Version : newbie has a question about CSS

03 Jun 2009, 09:24 AM
Ok so I'm learning dreamweaver by myself and I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm a graphic designer just trying to help my company by updating their website. I just cut and paste text from quark onto a dreamweaver page and than upload it. Simple.

My question is... how can I do this at home? I've got years of archives to accomplish. Can I just take a page home open it in dreamweaver and update it? I don't see the CSS styles at home. Does that matter? Will they adjust when I bring the dreamweaver document back to my work computer?

Why don't I see the CSS at home? Because I don't have the root folder?

On a side note...I don't understand CSS yet... does it only apply to the one page you are working on? If you change something does it affect the one page or the whole website?