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View Full Version : Web Form With an HTML outupt

08 Jun 2009, 04:10 PM
Hello everyone, this is my first post here and I hope to learn alot on these forums, and share the knowledge of what I already know.

Most of the work that I do is graphically oriented, I can make a basic website but I am pretty good (or I would like to think I am) at Flash, 3D studio, Flash action script and HTML.

Currently I am hoping to start a project that will involve me learning some PHP and mySQL but I am thinking that what I am trying to do right now can be done in HTML alone.

My goal is to have a web form that users will fill out, choosing text color and font properties, a background ect. When the user clicks submit, a box appears with HTML code that they simply copy and paste into whatever they choose.

What do I need to use, and how do I go about setting something like this up?

I have done hours of forum/Google searching and haven't really come up with much so hopefully some of yall can offer me some insight.

I would also like to include an image hosting service on the same website, so that the user can upload an image to our server and then place it into their webpage, and include it in their HTML output and have the image erase itself after 60 days.

For a project that I am new to, i would usually find tutorials and examples and piece them together to make my final product, but I have had little luck in finding either.

If you have any input I would greatly appreciate it!
