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View Full Version : Web page out of image?

15 Jun 2009, 11:53 PM
Hello everyone, Im new here and as well in this whole webpage thing, I would like to know if its possible to use the image below as webpage. I made that in Photoshop and everything is editable, but i would like to keep it just like that. Correct me if Im wrong, butI believe Ill have to crop it into pieces, but then wont the page be to heavy to load? Please give me some advices.

this is the image:



17 Jun 2009, 11:23 AM
You are correct to assume that the page will take a long time to load. Specifically, when you're loading it you'll see a bunch of text with a white background, and then at some point the whole thing will just pop in. You don't want that happening, so a better method would be to make a gray grid background, and then take the rest of the images and put them in <divs> so they load individually.