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View Full Version : Force browser refresh

19 Jun 2009, 06:42 PM
I created a favicon for my website, and uploaded it, but it seemed to take forever before my brower would show it. At my work, they have the server cache requests for an obnoxiously long time (about a day), and only content changes will be reflected. CSS changes and swapping my favicon takes about a day to see. Is there a way to force the browser to grab the latest version? I've tried Ctl + F5 on IE8, but that didn't help at all. I've cleared my browser's cache by Tools/Internet Options/Delete/Temporary Internet Files, but that didn't help. I've tried other browsers, but the issue persists.

In fact, if I type the url to the favicon, such as "http://www.somesite.com/favicon.ico", that still shows the old favicon. Just to make certain there wasn't a mix-up with my upload, I downloaded the favicon from my site to the local machine, and it was the new one, even though my browser serves up the old one. This is really weird, because prior to uploading the new one, I deleted the old one on the server, so it's not even there. What's going on with this?

Even at home, with my computer fully under my control, and CSS changes making immediate alterations to my remote site, favicons seem to take hours or days to reliably show up in the browser. I don't understand this at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.