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View Full Version : Affecting 2 Frames on Index Page from External Page

23 Jun 2009, 09:11 AM
Hey everyone,

my website is semiotically.com, and yes it's a personal site

I have time to dedicate to this issue now so hopefully can fulfill this.

There are 2 issues.

1. At the right-hand side of the page is an 'menu' with environment; possessions; perspectives; hair. When clicked they load images in an external IFrame page just right of the menu. These individual images once clicked load pages (sometimes my own/ mostly external) within the main centre frame (typically there are a couple of exceptions that load new tabs). Please try this if you wish to be sure.

I need to create a javascript that as well as opening the main centre frame also can affect the IFrame directly beneath the centre frame: i.e. affect 2 frames simultaneously. At the moment this is causing diffulties as the side-menu loads separate Iframe pages from the index meaning Framesets are currently inviable. I could contain images in individual frames that all are contained within the index page (like other 2 frames) allowing use of Framesets though this would entail many frames and perhaps a more elegant code is available for the current setup.

2. Once this is set-up I will try codes to resize the Centre Iframe to full window, i.e. reload the Iframe to full-screen if the user wishes to enlarge the centre Iframe (and can then navigate back using the 'back' in browsers)/ alternatively just open the IFrame in new tab, by use of the Frame beneath the Centre Frame. This part will be quite easy I think once Part 1 is in place.

Please let me know how I can navigate Part 1.

Thanks in advance,


24 Jun 2009, 05:51 AM
If unsure please question me, I think once people see the site the issue is quite easily visualised: interacting the 3 frames.

Please respond if available, you will have my undivided attention, thank you.